Re: U.S. Military Trains for War on 2nd Amendment

John Vandivier

This article is my response to a video alleging that the US is training for a War on the 2nd Amendment. Here's the video:

I'm not upset about a new training ground and I'm skeptical that the sole intent of this facility is to train for an offensive civil war campaign. I'm upset that Christians and conservatives are being labeled terrorist threats on par with the KKK or Al Qaeda while no one seems to recognize that the guy in charge - King Obama - sympathizes with the real sources of terrorism: Islam, Communism, Atheism and so on.

Remember Obama's illegal IRS attacks on conservative groups and Christians? Christians are not dangerous extremists. If I heard about a Christian terrorist attack I would immediately call false flag. That is what should worry us; that Obama is setting group of Americans, up for a false flag to start a fight at home. Or that someone who later fills the role of President or another top military role might be tempted to do that.

The American military is here to defend the American people. Christians and non-Christian conservatives and supporters of the constitution combined are around 85% of the population. If you are training to put down that group you are not training to defend America. You are training to attack America.

Info Wars cites their claims in this video very well including citing military docs. Why would veterans be considered a dangerous group? Maybe they learned something after being on the inside for a while. People who support the constitution are a terrorist threat? The Founding Fathers are terrorists? This shit is completely backwards. It seems the people putting out these guidelines are the terrorists and potential enemies to the USA.

The irony is that even if Obama is a perfectly patriotic Christian American - and I don't think he is - he would be considered a possible terrorist under his own official guidelines. So don't be so shocked when I am inclined to agree.

The real question is, how can Americans protect themselves in a system with a 1-person run military branch? Unfortunately, our political system lends itself to quickly turning into a military dictatorship in a crisis situation. The seduction of becoming dictator of America seems to me strong enough that, whether it's Obama or not, one day we might have to deal with a President who wants that crisis to come about. I don't have an answer, but I have read <a href="">1 Timothy 5:8 and I suppose if we as individual families can do that then as a collective we will have already solved the issue.