Two Key Tests for Caeconomics as a Theory
In this article I will look at caeconomics as a series of <a class="zem_slink" title="Theory" href="" target="_blank" rel="wikipedia">theories and prescribe two key tests by which we might validate or invalidate those theories.
Caeconomics can be thought of as a unique field of study. However, it can also be thought of as a series of theories within other fields of study. <a href="">I have previously defined caeconomics as, "the study of optimal decision making from the viewpoint of <a class="zem_slink" title="Economics" href="" target="_blank" rel="wikipedia">economic analysis under the presumption that <a class="zem_slink" title="Christianity" href="" target="_blank" rel="wikipedia">Christianity is true while recognizing that interpretation of Christianity is inevitably done on a personal basis."
The alternative way to look at caeconomics is to look at it as an already established field with a series of new supplemental theories or hypotheses. These theories should then be tested like in any other field. I'll be using the field of economics.
What I want to show or test with caeconomics is the idea that "better is better" and "good is good." What I mean is that people like to qualify the term good to specify in what manner it is good. People often distinguish between something which may be morally good, such as helping the poor, and something which may be good in economics, like eliminating minimum wage.
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300"]<a href="" target="_blank"><img class="zemanta-img-inserted" title="Map of the distribution of Christians of the world" alt="Map of the distribution of Christians of the world" src="" width="300" height="143" /> Map of the distribution of Christians of the world (Photo credit: Wikipedia)[/caption]
Individual morality, which becomes cultural morality when aggregated, affects the economy. I would like to prove it to myself as well as everyone else and therefore certain elements of methodical testing are needed. I also hope to show that Christianity is the most positive of these <a class="zem_slink" title="Morality" href="" target="_blank" rel="wikipedia">moralities and therefore somehow craft an argument for Christianity. The argument would go something like this:
- Operational worldview impacts economics
- Operational Christianity has the most positive effect
- Operational Christianity is desirable
- If we prefer operational Christianity, it makes sense to prefer real Christianity.
While I think it is difficult or impossible for any normal person to know with certainty whether or not another person is a Christian, if we have done a good job of creating our definition then status as an operational Christian should correlate with status as a real Christian to some degree. In theological circles, we often call this "outward Christianity."
We could do a survey-based testing method which includes the question, "Are you a Christian?" That, however, begins a host of research validity issues which are less problematic when we look strictly at economic actions and practice the applicable tried and true methodology.
The two key tests are to test whether propensity toward operational Christianity produces either:
- An improved economy as measured by any standard and accepted economic indicator of economic strength.
- An increased production of the so-called Fruit of the Spirit, the observable attributes of the Christian life according to Paul in Galatians.