Why Should You Try Game-Based Learning?
[From John: Check out this reblogged article on game-based learning. Game-based learning, also called 'gamification' of education, is closely related to the use of badges. I am a huge fan of badges and I see them displacing degrees and even substituting for certificates in the near future. Also, as a gamer, I realize the potential game-based learning has to make education addictive if we do it right. Finally, the raw quality of the infographic in the article is awesome! Share it! It's a bit too big to display nicely on the page, but just click it for a better view.]
Source - Edudemic - Katie Lepi - 8/6/13
We’ve talked about gamification before, and we know that a lot of you out there are already incorporating (or working to incorporate) game-based learning activities into your classrooms. For those of you still in the learning stages, or for some of the skeptics out there, we’ve come acrossthis visual that takes a look at how game-based learning activities are designed, why they work, and how well they work in classrooms. Keep reading to learn more.
Why Is Game-Based Learning Great?
- Games can make people behave better.
- Learners perform better when using game-based learning.
- Without games, the grade distribution is much more even across letter grades. With games, the distribution of grades is highly tilting towards the “A” range with almost no grades in the failing range.
- Players work harder voluntarily with game-based learning.
- The work tends to be more relevant and easier to recall in ‘real life’.
- Timely and appropriate feedback is worked into the game design.
- The challenges, structures, and goals are generally quite clear in game based learning.
Source: http://www.edudemic.com/2013/08/game-based-learning-infographic/
Related articles
- Gamification + Learning = flow (learningtobeawesome.wordpress.com)
- Why Should You Try Game-Based Learning? | Edudemic (edudemic.com)
- 3 Things about #Gamification of Education and Training - So True (classroom-aid.com)