Neil deGrasse Tyson Equivocates on Global Warming
Global warming and climate change are not the same thing. Global warming is the idea that the globe is becoming increasingly hot. Global warming alarmists will also say that it is becoming increasingly hot at rapid pace, it's dangerous, and it largely caused by humans ("anthropogenic").
Climate change, depending on its use, means anything from simple whether changes, to larger climate changes which are also still relatively random or balanced, to a systematic directional trend in climate. Global warming is a particular kind of the last category, a systematic directional trend. Climate change is obviously true, global warming is obviously false.
One problem is that leftist thinkers selectively equivocate or conflate global warming and climate change. I am continually treated by some of my more educated friends as if I am some idiot missing the point when I provide evidence that global warming is false. They will argue that global warming is not the point, climate change is.
In short, many leftists are in denial that their own thought leaders equivocate between global warming and climate change, on the basis that the error is so elementary that an informed thinker would never make such an obviously false error.
<a href="">Except Neil deGrasse did it.
Others, like Bill Nye and more do it all the time! Just Google around. How is it that combating carbon emissions will reduce climate change and in turn prevent the extinction of polar bears and the rising of water levels except by preventing global warming, whether they use the term or not?The truth is that the term climate change is generally a reference to global warming. Global warming doesn't exist, and even if it did it is not clear it is bad, man-made, or in need of a public policy solution.