Value of Information
• John Vandivier
dollar value of information - by risk cost foregone, contracting information providers, revealed preference
Suppose some number of potential outcomes with different payoffs and you have no idea the odds, so you assume 50/50.
5 sources of value for my information:
- Define potential outcomes.
- Define payoffs of outcomes.
- Define probabilities of each outcome.
- Increase expected utility of good outcome and decrease of bad outcome. 4 ways:
- Change risk preference, or change utility function w/out changing real outcomes.
- Change probabilities of events, but not payoffs.
- Change payoffs, but not probabilities.
- Combination
- Combination
4 Measures of this value:
- Risk cost in dollars foregone.
- Revealed preference of information provision consumption - hiring teachers, consultants, researchers, and so on.
- Piece of mind and/or arbitrary gains to subjective utility - When people are risk averse, and most are, there can be a utility gain even without a dollar cost reduction.
- Most efficient because risk-averse allows insurance profit, but risk loving allows gambling profit. Risk neutral allows neither form of premium: It internalizes risk cost.
- If risk averse, risk neutral, and risk loving are the only possibilities and we have no idea which is best then risk neutral is risk-minimizing choice, because it is the average.