Is Freedom Associated with Christianity
We know Christianity is the prevalent world religion -
Is world religion a good indicator of a free market choice? There are large geopolitical entities associated with broken markets. For example, in the Muslim world many people will face the choice "believe or die." Christianity and Judaism there are suppressed from their equilibrium market levels. <a href="">Christianity was illegal in China until about 1980 and the environment continues to be hostile. Christians were persecuted in <a href="">Soviet Russia which means it may still be some time away from equilibrium.
Prima facie, we would say that Christianity is associated with freedom. This is because Europe and the US have been considered historically relatively free and relatively Christian, but let's be a little more rigorous then that.
We are concerned with four specific forms of freedom in particular:
- Freedom of speech and/or conscience
- Absence of state-controlled religion
- Absence of censorship and/or hate speech restrictions
- General freedom or overall economic freedom