A Defense of Polycentrism
• John Vandivier
I was pleased to see <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/Polycentric_Law/comments/4xrqnv/legal_polycentrism_the_circularity_problem_and/?st=isp601f2&sh=3b8cbab9">a critique which bothered to address real substance of the idea of polycentric law. This article refutes those 2 critiques.
I am defining polycentric law as:
- The system of law which emerges on a free market. In particular, the concept described by David Friedman in which PDAs create arbitration contracts with each other to reduce costs, effectively creating private law.
- The Circular Problem: A market may generate law, but markets presuppose a legal framework.
- The Regression Problem: In the same way money is created on the market through the Regression Theorem, so government is also created.
My replies:
- Markets do not presuppose a legal framework.
- Two men may meet on an island and exchange. If there is any legal framework it occurs simultaneously and implicitly, it is not presupposed or formal.
- As markets scale, at some point more formal law may create gains to efficiency, but this is a product of the market, not a requisite.
- In any case a polycentric society would not spawn ex nihilo. It would result from a transition from prior society, so there would be a legal framework at the outset.
- The regression occurs, but it is not a problem.
- Most markets have beneficial inequality, and we can expect strong inequality in a private legal system.
- It may be the case that the most efficient PDA becomes so dominant that it is colloquially considered a government.
- However, this government is importantly different from the traditional state where a state is a geographic monopoly on the use of force.
- A dominant PDA is not expected to be a monopoly on the use of force and neither is it expected to be geographically oriented.
- PDA dominance is also expected to see high turnover. That is, the market-leading PDA one year is unlikely to sustain the position in the long run.
- Competition and individual sovereignty are importantly in effect. If a dominant PDA attempts abuse, it is expected to quickly be replaced.
- So inefficiency, abuse, corruption, and all the other undesirable qualities of the state are still minimized as expected on the market, even if the market has some leading firm at some point in time.