5 Research Questions for Degreed

John Vandivier

<a href="https://degreed.com/">Degreed is the leading aggregator of alternative credentials. Their intent is to "jailbreak the degree," or displace the traditional 4 year bachelor's education. See section II for a collection of things I wrote about them previously, but that was years ago and they have made great progress. Section I outlines some things I see as current research it would benefit them (and education science writ large) to conduct.

Section I: 5 Research Questions for Degreed

  1. How well do Degreed points explain employment outcomes?
    1. Employment Status
    2. Time to Hire
    3. Salary
    4. Item 1 may be determined by checking if any Experience item is marked \"this is my current position.\" The others require additional survey.
  2. Does enterprise utilization of Degreed improve outcomes?
    1. Employee Retainment
    2. Employee Satisfaction
    3. Productivity (individual level via learning or project level via better matching task to skill)
  3. What role does Degreed play for enterprise?
    1. Hiring decisions
    2. Continuous learning
    3. Skill identification
Section II: Recollecting Prior Articles on Degreed and Alternative Education

In reverse chronological order.

  1. Advancing Human Capital Evaluation
  2. Degreed Update – DLM Beta and More!
  3. Another Improvement for Degreed: Material Detection
  4. Another Improvement to Degreed: Retainment
  5. Duplication in Degreed
  6. 3 Ways to Improve Degreed
  7. Degreed Continues the Evolution of Education
  8. Useful Badge Sites