Economics of Education: Reviewing the Content of Key Papers

John Vandivier

I am blogging a series of articles reviewing key papers in the economics of education. This article is the parent of the series.

Read the <a href="">paper selection methodology here.

  1. Part 1
    1. Journal of Engineering Education
    2. American Educational Research Journal
    3. American Journal of Education
    4. Internet and Higher Education
    5. Review of Educational Research (this journal is datalicious)
  2. Part 2
    1. Journal of the Learning Sciences
    2. Child Development
    3. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
    4. Journal of Education Policy
    5. Educational Technology Research and Development
  3. Part 3
    1. Quarterly Journal of Economics
    2. Journal of Finance
    3. Econometrica
    4. Journal of Economic Literature
    5. Review of Economic Studies
  4. Part 4
    1. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
    2. American Economic Review
    3. Journal of Political Economy
    4. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
    5. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
  5. Papers on the psychology of learning
  6. Papers based on searching the education literature
  7. Papers based on searching the economics literature
  8. Other notable papers encountered in various ways
  9. Meta-analytical review / conclusion / results / findings / stuff
Research advice: figure out what sorts of studies require funding and which ones don't. Take on the studies that require little to no funding. Eg, the data is already available. Save the big funded studies for later in your career after you're employed. A small online survey won't hurt, but anything involving physical change is going to be expensive to coordinate.