Top 5 Reasons to Choose Christianity
• John Vandivier
- Christianity is true.
- Empirically credible and based on real events.
- Logically and theologically consistent.
- Institutional credibility: It's old and market-tested.
- Christianity puts love first.
- Islam: Submission
- Buddhism: Minimize suffering.
- Christianity: Be Christ-like. This is completely expressed as love.
- Christianity is your best return on investment.
- Salvation by faith alone.
- Christianity improves us individually and socially.
- Christianity answers the Big Questions
- Who am I? Why am I here?
- Some, but not all, other religions do this too. That's why it's lowest on the list.
- Christianity provides origin-based teleology. It's not just an arbitrary moral code. This is intuitive once you unpack it. What makes a chair good or bad? What is a chair? Why do we call it a chair? An intelligent creator can endow creation with both purpose and morality. The chair's creator is the best judge of whether a chair is good, as in whether it does or doesn't fulfill its purpose.
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