Apologetics of Gender and Design
This article notes two new apologetic arguments. One is an apologetic from gender, and the other is an argument in favor of design. The apologetic from gender is consistent with a CAE interpretive proof.
Gender as Apologetic
As an economist, I like to argue for Christianity as an efficient worldview. An efficient worldview can be taken as a social or individual technology which would enable social or individual flourishing. In addition, institutional economics would hold that robust institutions, those that survive and dominate markets over time, are relatively efficient. The idea here is that efficient technologies are truth bearers, so efficiency is a truth demonstration, not that Christianity is desirable on the grounds that it might generate wealth or flourishing.
When we test out this theory on empirical data, it generally works in favor of Christianity. Christianity is the world's largest religion, and it dominates even more strongly in areas which are relatively prosperous and free from coercion. At the individual level, Christians are also among the wealthiest individuals. Here's where we find an interesting exception: Our beloved friend and fierce rival, Judaism. Jews are generally wealthier than Christians. Jews also generally have higher IQ and have come up with some really great technological innovations, although that begins to ambiguate across ideological, social, and genetic lines, which are all interesting aspects of Jewish identity.
Anyway I'm skipping over quite a bit, and there are countless arguments Christians present in more serious counter-Jewish apologetic or under evangelism, but here's an interesting observation: Gender supports the concept of the Trinity, or a multiplicity in unity. In the Old Testament, God created mankind in God's singular-and-plural likeness.
A genderless God would be less relatable and very much a mismatch in likeness to humankind. Asexual reproduction is found in nearly half of the animal phyla. Such biology would be a better match for a single-gendered God.
An alternative option is that the Trinity is both male and female. This makes aspects of God more relatable and provides for the arguably efficient specialization of gender norms. Here, I'm suggesting that the Holy Spirit takes a feminine role in the economic trinity, while the Father and the Son are masculine.
A Short Design Apologetic
It occurs to me that there is a double standard against the Christian in the assumption of design. With respect to gospel authorship, coordination or design is assumed, casting doubt on arguments from undesigned coincidences. This presumption of design benefits the proponent of Intelligent Design or divine cosmological agency. The sword cuts two ways. To assume a lack of design on naturalism would then benefit the argument for gospel credibility. The atheist cannot have the null hypothesis both ways.